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im in highschool and i dont know what i want to be

Ok, so Ive been dating this girl for only 3 months now and nosotros had been practicing safe sex. Well 1 night the condom broke and we had to apply the plan b pill. Well, it didnt work and a week ago I found out she was already half dozen weeks pregnant. Nosotros had always talked about what would happen if she got significant and she said she would get an abortion. Well of grade now, she doesn't want to because she doesnt think she can handle the emotional pain that would come with an abortion. So me being 22 and however in higher am upwardly **** creek without a paddle. She is 20 and already has a 2 year old son whom I practice love but is from a previous human relationship. I dear my gf simply am non gear up at all right now to be taking care of a kid for eighteen years and letting my life go past the wayside.
I just dont encounter how this relationship could ever work out. She wants to go go her doctorate here in the states and my job volition most probable exist oversees. If she has the kid I dont know if I could be there for it and then Id exist stuck paying child support for the residual of my life. It scares me to death... to expiry, to think that in seven months I could be a father. Existence that Ive but been dating her three months that surely is not enough time to exist like ok, and so I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
She tells me that she would take full responsibleness of the child and I could leave, she just wouldnt put that I was the father on the nascence certificate but then I would be a total d bag for doing that. But I likewise dont want to exist in a relationship with someone just because we are having a kid. She wont put it upwards for adoption either so Im pretty screwed. I have never felt then depressed or unmotivated to do anything in my entire life. What the hell should I do? She tells me she would exist totally fine with taking responsibility of the child and for me to live my life like I planned. I dont want to get out her with my kid simply I also dont want to lose my unabridged young life just because a damned condom broke.

Guy avatar


12 years agone

I dont want to get out her with my kid

Why non? She seems to be treatment the affair well, but you two should talk it over about what volition happen in the side by side twelvemonth at least.



12 years ago

i'm meaning and i'grand happy but feeling a bit depressed, and very stressed out about it. its difficult cause i havn't had any schooling or annihilation, my parter is as well flippin out crusade hes got student loans coming in a calendar month and we'd both exist flat bankrupt by the time out little infant is born. I know its hard, but you have to recollect most cause and effect, by having sexual practice at all you are accepting the fact that y'all may become her pregnant, you are risking alot, i personally don't beleive in abortion. Life isn't easy honey. effort not to think of this kid every bit a burdon, rather call back of this child as a wonderful life you have created, at that place are many options for y'all to consider, and so just think well-nigh them all.🤔

keketalk avatar


12 years ago

I recall u need to sit down with her and first tell her how you feel, tell her what your life plans are.ballgame is not a selection for anyone at someday but i practise remember if you go along with your life simply still call back that you have a child and exist there for the most important times everything would exist adept.A baby is not a brunt its a blessing and now should be the time u piece of work hard to be what u want to be in life. I think it can piece of work its just a baby a little life that didint ask to be here................ Retrieve Most Information technology!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙁



12 years ago

just be there for her. its not her fault. put yourself in her shoes. babies dont have to be negative. just take it. and find happiness in the situation



eleven years agone

I think
If you are not set up to be taking intendance of a kid or want 1 right now so yous shouldnt even be having sex.
Because sex comes with responsibility
and its obvious that your non ready for that.
so maybe you shouldnt be having sex then.
and its not off-white for the baby.

I didnt mean to sound harsh
i was just speaking my mind.

Only abortions are really hard to go through
i know people who accept got them and they told me they regret them, but all the same some others tell me they are glad they fabricated the pick.



11 years ago

i call up your beingness really harsh, she gave you a oppetunity to leave guilt complimentary ? how distressing is that. shes obviously sacred and freaked out merely equally much every bit you lot, i call up she needs support, im in the aforementioned situation im 4 months pregnant and my boyfriend is gone, he left because i said if he didnt dear me he could leave so he did i tried to put up a brave face like your girlfriend is probably doing and now im crushed , i cry all the time and just desire a little support and dear from him. i think you should just give it a chance and support her, she might not say it but she needs you

Those may interest y'all:

shahiida avatar


10 years ago


five much under stand u

ur say ur up creek.. bc ur dont under stand it.. i or other ull be male parent soon.. then

ur will also be presently man or not set up yet..

tell pls ur child be daughter or son??

Love/Hate avatar


10 years ago

Take an abortion and become on birth control. Do u actually desire to bring a child into a life of poverty? Your both way to young for the responsibility. I had my kickoff child at 17, information technology makes life very difficult. If your questioning that a kid is not the all-time choice then its not. Children are a approval , when your set.

princesslele avatar


x years ago

sry sweetheart you lot got urself into this, woman say fine they will get aboritons only its a baby, its a human life not everyone will have the same view they did earlier afterwards they notice out they are pregnant. its like shooting fish in a barrel to then ill take an aboriton when yous are non having kids, but y'all cant blame her, jus respect her choice, this happens to many men ur historic period not jus you. you lot accept to sitt and talk with ur family her her family and see what you can do in this state of affairs, dont force her to do nething considering you have ur selfish needs... im hoesntly not trying to exist insensive but u had sex activity this is what happens when things neglect and done work.... y'all have a responsibnlity to take care of.. its the childs life before your own, and if u dont u volition regret and the guilt will be with u . remember advisedly =[

Molly_Moo avatar


10 years agone

My father insisted that I have an ballgame, that my baby would never have a life and neither would I. I was young and unmarried.

My son graduates highschool in 3 weeks. He is football captain, Beta Club, Youth Leadership of our county, Honors Club and won the tri-county all star football honor of outstanding accomplishments for last yr and this year.

My father never admited he was wrong.

Yes, I'one thousand a proud momma, the hard road of life sometimes has a happy ending anyway.




10 years agone

dude id kill to exist yous, your gf wants ur baby, my pregnant gf dosent want my baby or me, when all ive ever wanted is to start a family with her. A kid is a approving believe me



10 years agone

your an idiot
im in a position like yours, but i never for one moment sat down thinking of ways i can get out of it without looking bad
your a total ***** for that
man up and b a father if she'l permit yous <which she shouldn't>

wandrlust43 avatar


8 years agone

man up. treat her correct talk to her about if you two dont want to be together y'all should be on good terms no drama for the childs sake. tell her you will help with whatever you can. its a blessing in disguise.struggles define a person😊tell her what y'all want too.
